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Your Healing place a warm sunny square to go and relax.

One powerful tool I’ve found in doing imagery exercises, is the healing sanctuary. It is an imaginary place you can go for relaxation, rejuvenation and healing.

One reason I think it is so powerful is because every time you go there for healing it becomes more real. And every time you leave there feeling better, you increase the likelihood of feeling better the next time you are there. It is a positive feedback loop.

I encourage people to create a space that feels right for them. However, I do have certain recommendations that are useful for specific imagery exercises I use.

Warm sunny place to go and relax

I like to have a warm sunny place to go and relax. Water, which  has great healing powers, is important. My sanctuary has a gentle stream, with one deep clear pool that I can immerse my whole body in. Sometimes I go swimming there.

A sacred place and a place to receive healing from imaginary helpers are also important. I have a temple. In the temple is a room for meeting others, a healing room with a massage table, and my private room for prayer and meditation.

If you would like a free mp3 introduction to your healing sanctuary, sign up for my newsletter on the right of this page. You will also receive regular mailings with various instructions for using your sanctuary for healing yourself.

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