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All healing is making friends with the universe. hide stress induced symptoms

I recently heard someone say, “All healing is making friends with the universe.”

That makes complete sense to me. We experience unwellness when we are resisting something in our lives. It’s not always conscious resistance, in fact it rarely is. But it is the resistance that leads to problems in the body.

Take allergies for instance. I often use the metaphor of fearful aggression, when talking to clients about allergies. The body thinks it perceives a dangerous particle and it attacks. if our immune systems could see a benign particle as safe, there would be no allergic reaction.
It is also obvious with stress induced symptoms like headaches. We experience stress when we are not accepting life as it is. We fight our experience, and then our muscles get tense and our blood pressure rises.
I heard a story about a woman who smoked for forty years. Every time she had a cigarette, she said I’m going to have a holy smoke. After forty years her family were worried about the health impact of smoking for so long. They convinced her to have her doctor check her lungs. To everyone’s surprise ( except the woman), her lungs were perfectly healthy.
By changing our attitude we change our experience.
People with chronic pain can have dramatic improvements in their condition by practicing gratitude or forgiveness.
Lots of people have latent viruses in their bodies. Herpes is a great example. The virus is there, why don’t you have herpes right now? Because the body is strong and balanced. Being at odds with your own life is one of the main reasons why our body and mind gets out of balance.
One of my favorite practices for making friends with the universe is inner smile meditation. We practice smiling at ourselves and the world around us. When we smile at the world we bring ourselves into harmony with it, and increase our vitality and well being.
I will be releasing an Inner Smile Meditation Series, shortly. Keep coming back to find out when it’s available. Or subscribe to the newsletter, and you get it at a discounted price.
In the meantime, any meditation practice you choose can help you go with the flow and make friends with the universe.

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