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Healing meditations, are good for lowering our stress levels From TAOISM

Next, visualize your problem as a dark cloud. If it is a psychological problem, see the dark cloud in your head, just behind the space between your eyebrows. If it is a physical problem, see it where it is. Then move it to the nearest of three energy centers: The space between the eyebrows, the center of the chest, or half way between the navel and the spine. Now imagine currents of chi blowing through the cloud, like a soft, fresh breeze. Slowly the cloud begins to dissipate, until it vanishes entirely. 
Next, just sit and enjoy the experience, and slowly return to normal waking consciousness. The more you practice it, the more powerful it becomes. So start with little things and practice it regularly. That way, when you need it for something significant, you will find it very helpful. We experience stress far more often and for longer periods of time than our adrenals were designed for. Eventually they get overworked, and start to shut down, leading to chronic fatigue and lowered immunity. Meditation in general, and particularly healing meditations, are good for lowering our stress levels and helping the adrenals to recuperate. The following visualization is a great pick-me-up for the adrenals. Do it for a few minutes, several times a day. Relax using the five breath relaxation cycle. Then imagine becoming very small and entering your body.
 Find your way down to the kidneys, and see one adrenal gland sitting on top of each kidney like a pair of pyramids. Give some loving attention to your adrenals in what ever way you feel comfortable. Let them know that you want to take care of them, and mean it. Consider what you can do to lower their stress. See the adrenal glands as four sided pyramids and run up one side of one of the adrenal glands and down another, then up the third side and down the fourth. Feel, as you run, that you are stimulating the gland, pumping it full of energy. Then go to the other adrenal gland and do the same thing. Finally, step back and watch your adrenals functioning optimally. See the hormones streaming out of them like a rainbow, flowing to your whole body. Open your eyes with a smile, and you are done.
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