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Enjoy the music it's a nice music therapy article

My Music therapy article or just a little paragraph

W righting  some line and thinking i was inspired to talk about Music therapy article I was at a small gathering this evening that reminded me of how joyful I feel when I sing music i feel it,  I love or when I sing music that touches others. When I put my whole heart and soul into a song and sing to the people who are listening, I am transported to another plane, another realm. While this is a frequent happening in my work as a hospice music therapist, this evening was an extraordinarily meaningful time.  Being able to connect with another person or small group of people in an intimate setting through music is an experience like no other.  To have the opportunity to observe the facial expressions, the body movements, the eye contact between individuals is something that can’t happen on a lighted stage.  I wouldn’t trade this evening for singing on a big stage in some big arena in front of hundreds or thousands of people for anything.

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