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What is the correct way to use tretinoin?

 Tretinoin is a very effective medicine for age spots. Since tretinoin contains vitamin A derivatives, it can improve not only age spots but also acne and oily skin. We will introduce how long it will take to get the effect from using tretinoin.

What is the correct way to use tretinoin?

A doctor explaining how to take tretinoinTretinoin is a derivative of Vitamin A (retinol) and is effective against age spots, acne and photoaging. Although it is a very small amount, it is also flowing in human blood, so it is characterized by no allergic reaction.

Tretinoin has about 100 to 300 times more physiological activity than vitamin A and excretes melanin pigment in the epidermis to the outside of the skin by a strong metabolic action . In addition, since it promotes the production of hyaluronic acid and collagen by long-term external use, the epidermis and dermis become thicker and firmer, and fine wrinkles are improved. Topical drugs, such as peeling or high-concentration topical drugs, are effective in treating acne.

Overseas, it is approved as a medicine to eliminate wrinkles and acne and is used very often, but in Japan it is not approved by the Ministry of Health, Labor and Welfare as an insurance treatment, but it can be used in medical institutions.

Therefore, high effects cannot be expected for those sold as cosmetics.

However, dermatological prescription drugs are effective. Since it is a highly safe ingredient that is less likely to cause allergies, it can also be used for spots such as chloasma .

Tretinoin is attracting attention as an ingredient that is effective for beautiful skin, but even higher active substances are tretinoin.

You can expect a high effect, but the risk of misuse is very high.

The exfoliating action can cause redness and inflammation in some people.

This peeling is a strong stimulus for people with sensitive skin and causes burning and inflammation.

Therefore, it is very important to take measures against UV rays when using tretinoin.

Creams containing tretinoin, which are not generally available in Japan, are easy to obtain by private import, but there are concerns about risks.

Therefore, at first, it is best to prescribe a tretinoin-containing concentration that is suitable for you in dermatology.

Especially for sensitive skin, it is safer to take a patch test even if you are a dermatologist.

Rough skin due to incorrect use of tretinoin

A woman who cares about rough skinTretinoin is a medicine that mainly treats acne, and is known as a medicine that can treat acne that cannot be cured by ordinary lotion treatment.

In addition, it is said to be highly effective against dark spots and dullness, making it a suitable drug for those who want to be beautiful .

Although there are individual differences, it is said that severe acne may be completely cured by using it for about 3 months depending on the person, so if you follow the usage and use it properly, you will suffer from skin problems. It is a medicine that can be a savior for humans.

As mentioned above, tretinoin is highly effective and can completely cure severe skin problems, but it also puts a heavy burden on the skin, and if you continue to use it in the wrong way, it will be better than before use. It is said that skin symptoms may worsen.

Side effects of tretinoin include severe inflammation and severe redness, pigmentation and increased age spots, weakened skin immunity and frequent skin problems, which sometimes become severe and recover. It is possible that you may have symptoms that you cannot get rid of.

Therefore, you will be able to avoid skin problems by understanding how to use tretinoin before using it and understanding the cases in which it should not be used.

Tretinoin helps build new skin and helps drain old skin.

As a result, the user becomes more or less inflamed and prone to stains.

Therefore, it is possible to prevent the occurrence of spots by using a drug called hydroquinone, which has the effect of suppressing spots, at the same time.

Also, using tretinoin may cause the old skin to peel off and remain white on the epidermis, but forcibly peeling it off puts a load on the skin and makes it easier for inflammation to occur, so the old skin naturally becomes. You will have to wait for it to come off.

How long will you use tretinoin if you get results?

Woman applying tretinoin creamTretinoin is a derivative of vitamin A (retinol).

Vitamin A is a brittle component and has the characteristic of being difficult to be taken into the body, but since the derivative of vitamin A has been changed to a component that easily penetrates the skin, it is possible to perform efficient treatment.

Tretinoin is used as a remedy for age spots, wrinkles and acne.

In the case of treatment of age spots, it is said that it is usually detected after 2 months of treatment.

The treatment has the effect of bleaching the skin in the first 2-6 weeks.

By applying the medicine, the skin at the treatment site becomes red and the skin becomes fluffy like dirt.

At the beginning of the treatment for  the first time, the skin becomes redder, but the spots become lighter.

The first period of use of tretinoin is the most painful period of inflammation, but after that the skin becomes accustomed to the drug and the redness and tingling pain disappears.

Because tretinoin is a powerful drug, it is important to be aware that it is important to see your doctor at least once every two weeks for follow-up during bleaching treatment.

If the skin is too dry, it is necessary to use water retention agents and oils, so it is necessary to manage it properly under the guidance of a doctor.

After the blemishes have disappeared, you should stop using the drug to cool the skin inflammation.

It is said that the period required to cool the inflammation is 2 to 6 weeks, and when the inflammation disappears, the skin becomes clear and transparent.

Tretinoin is said to have the effect of releasing melanin pigment in 2 to 4 weeks.

Since it is necessary to stop using the drug of any pharmaceutical company once in about a month, it is necessary to understand the usage of the drug before using it.

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