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Moringa What is Moringa?

What is Moringa?



Moringa becomes a tree also called Moringa oleifera, and when it grows, its height reaches more than 10 m. Growing in warm regions such as the tropics and subtropics, moringa can utilize all parts of its leaves and roots, trunks and seeds, so it is sometimes referred to as the miracle tree or tree of life in its place of origin.


The history of human use of moringa is quite old, dating back to BC when civilization was born. The effects of moringa have been widely known since this time, and it is said that Cleopatra, one of the three beauties of the world, loved moringa tea to enhance the detoxification effect and maintain beauty and health.


India and Sri Lanka, which are also the origins of Moringa. In Ayurveda, a traditional medicine in the region, moringa has become an indispensable material for therapy and is used to promote detoxification, eliminate toxins and waste products accumulated in the body, and restore the body to its original condition. I will.


White flowers bloom at the time of flowering, and then pods with a length of 50 cm or more grow. There are many black seeds in it, but these seeds are mainly used for oil extraction. Moringa tea uses dried leaves, and you can either put the tea leaves in a tea pack or dry the leaves and then powder them and dissolve them in hot water.

The effect of moringa tea

Moringa is so nutritious that it is also used in the United Nations World Food Program. The leaves used in tea contain the three major nutrients of carbohydrates, fats and proteins needed to generate energy.


In addition to vitamin A, vitamin C, and B vitamins that maintain body function, minerals such as calcium, magnesium, iron, and zinc are necessary to regulate the function of the intestines and promote detox. It also contains dietary fiber.


Moringa has been talked about as a highly detoxifying food because it contains potassium, which balances the amount of water in the body.


Moringa also contains antibacterial phytochemicals, which have been reported to be effective in controlling Staphylococcus aureus and Escherichia coli, which cause food poisoning.


In addition, Moringa contains more GABA than brown rice. GABA, an amino acid, is a component that works to relieve stress, calms the excited and irritable nerves, and brings the mind and body closer to a relaxed state.


GABA is an ingredient that can be ingested from food, but when stress is high, consumption increases and physical and mental fatigue increases.


Moringa also contains essential amino acids such as tryptophan, which is a material for serotonin, and vitamin E and polyphenols, which have antioxidant properties and help prevent cell aging, so it can enhance the detoxification effect both physically and mentally.

How to drink moringa tea

The way to drink moringa tea in a tea pack is to put the tea pack in boiling water, turn off the heat and let it steam for about 10 minutes before drinking. If you take out the tea pack immediately, you will not be able to extract the special ingredients, so be sure to leave it for a while before drinking.


To drink in a pot or kyusu, put a tea pack in the pot, pour boiling water, and let it steam for a few minutes. The amount of one dose varies depending on the product, but it will be about 1 to 2 bags, and it will be easier to drink if you adjust the strength to your liking by the steaming time.


If it is a type that can drain water, it will be the perfect way to drink in the hot season or after taking a bath. It takes longer than boiling in hot water, but you can change the way you drink depending on your mood.


However, if you use Moringa tea for detoxification purposes, a drink at room temperature or hot will be more effective than chilled tea in kinkin to improve circulation throughout the body.


Since the powder type only dissolves quickly, you can mix it with your favorite drink such as soy milk or vegetable juice in addition to water. You may be wondering what it tastes like because it's a food that most households don't have on the table, but Moringa is a strong, straightforward food that makes it easy to combine with other drinks. If you want to increase the detoxification effect, it is also effective to mix it with a smoothie that contains plenty of dietary fiber.

Where can I buy moringa tea?

Moringa tea

There are many places where you can buy tea made with moringa, a superfood that is attracting attention.


In Japan, cultivation is popular in Okinawa, so there is a way to buy it as a souvenir when you visit for a trip. It is also sold at stores and drug stores that sell healthy tea, so you can buy it all over the country, but if you can't find it at a nearby store, you can also buy it online.


If you want to take a drink that enhances the detoxification effect, choose one that does not contain ingredients that your body does not need. For example, if you use pesticide-free products or products that do not contain extra flavors or sweeteners, you can drink with confidence and you do not have to absorb unnecessary ingredients, which makes it easier to bring out the detoxification effect.


Originally, moringa tea is a tea that does not contain caffeine, so even if you drink it before going to bed, you will not have to worry about it becoming dull. Unlike medicine, you can take it at any time, but if you use it for detox, it is important to continue.


Moringa tea is also available online for regular purchases, making it easier to continue because you don't have to worry about forgetting to buy it. Subscriptions are often free shipping and are discounted each time, making it an easy way to continue. Some of them come with a money-back guarantee, so even those who are worried about continuing to buy tea that they have never drank can rest assured.


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